Friday, June 21, 2013


Hey folks! My mic came in! And a day after it's been here I've already got a cover ready for posting! I'm very excited! Like I promised, here's an Emeli Sande cover! :) She's so cool!

I'd love it if you suggested some covers for me to do, I'm not promising that I'll do them, but I'd love suggestions!


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

No, I Don't Remember Home

Hey guys! I've been busy unpacking in our new house and learning a whole new town! My mic is coming in three days, and I'm preparing a few songs to record as soon as I can figure out how to be good at technology! In the meantime, here is a cover of Home by Phillip Phillips I did with one of my best friends from my hometown!  
 And then I did a cover awhile back with my brother of No, I Don't Remember by Anna Ternheim. Soon to come will be some Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, and Emeli Sande! So stay tuned for some fun songs coming soon!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Well, we are officially in the our new town of dwelling! We are in Minnesota, and the shopping is grand! The hotel is pretty regular when it comes to hotels, but it isn't a house. Even though this move has been hard, I'm just ready to be in a house, and able to order my microphone and preamp so I can record more music. I'm really excited about the next few covers coming up. If I can learn how to play the songs soon, I will be able to record some Emeli Sande and Justin Timberlake songs, which should be fun! I'm excited to continue to learn what I can do with my voice and instruments. I want to be able to do a piano cover by the end of the year, that is a strong goal!
Also, it stays light up here so much later than it does in Mississippi. It's still very light and it's currently 9:13 p.m. CRAZY!


Saturday, June 8, 2013

It's Been a Long Time Coming, but A Change is Gonna Come (whether we're ready or not)

Wow, I have been so busy! Life has definitely been happening, and I've been struggling to keep up the pace., both physically and emotionally. Since I last posted, I have learned a lot more musically, mostly about how much I can do with my voice, which is really fun!
I am also officially moving to a state on the exact opposite side of the country. I am literally on my way from Mississippi to Minnesota (where most of my relatives live). My mom and I are in a hotel in Arkansas (the most boring state in the country) and we are watching The Day After Tomorrow.
All these changes have worn me out pretty greatly, but I still have been working on my music and on songs that I can cover. I just recorded a cover that one of my best friends filmed/recorded right before I left, and that will be on sometime in the near future, which is really exciting! I have also been working on a cover song with my brother, and we have recorded a rough draft version of our arrangement, and will have to record our final one in one of the next times we meet between our homes in Oklahoma and Minnesota. Soon I will be ordering a proper recording microphone so that I can start posting downloadable music to my Reverbnation, but the camera I was using for my last few covers is no longer available, meaning I will have killer recording quality of lame video quality unless someone else films it until I can afford a camera too!

Well, enough of my rambling, hope everyone is doing well, I and I will soon be posting more covers!

Also, enjoy some Sam Cooke in the meantime!