Saturday, June 8, 2013

It's Been a Long Time Coming, but A Change is Gonna Come (whether we're ready or not)

Wow, I have been so busy! Life has definitely been happening, and I've been struggling to keep up the pace., both physically and emotionally. Since I last posted, I have learned a lot more musically, mostly about how much I can do with my voice, which is really fun!
I am also officially moving to a state on the exact opposite side of the country. I am literally on my way from Mississippi to Minnesota (where most of my relatives live). My mom and I are in a hotel in Arkansas (the most boring state in the country) and we are watching The Day After Tomorrow.
All these changes have worn me out pretty greatly, but I still have been working on my music and on songs that I can cover. I just recorded a cover that one of my best friends filmed/recorded right before I left, and that will be on sometime in the near future, which is really exciting! I have also been working on a cover song with my brother, and we have recorded a rough draft version of our arrangement, and will have to record our final one in one of the next times we meet between our homes in Oklahoma and Minnesota. Soon I will be ordering a proper recording microphone so that I can start posting downloadable music to my Reverbnation, but the camera I was using for my last few covers is no longer available, meaning I will have killer recording quality of lame video quality unless someone else films it until I can afford a camera too!

Well, enough of my rambling, hope everyone is doing well, I and I will soon be posting more covers!

Also, enjoy some Sam Cooke in the meantime!

1 comment:

  1. Arias, I certainly wish you well with your move. I shall continue to follow your music and look forward to new material from your new home state. Keep singing, keep playing, keep writing.
